
Posts Tagged ‘self-published’

I got a nice surprise a couple of weeks ago when fellow writer, Debra Goldstein, asked me to join the blog chain The Next Big Thing. It’s an ongoing round of blogs that pose ten questions to women writers about their current title or work in progress. Debra’s debut novel Maze in Blue won the 2012 IPPY award, and she’s currently working on a sequel. You can read all about it on Debra’s blog.

I don’t have a published novel, yet. My manuscript, Killer Tunes, is currently being read at Carina Press, a digital imprint of Harlequin. I’m hoping to hear back from them soon, but in the meantime, here are the questions and my answers:

What is your working title of your book? Killer Tunes

Where did the idea come from for the book? The idea for Killer Tunes came from places around the community I live in, also from my obsession with all things Scottish and Irish, especially music. My husband has a fiddle that was found in the back of a music store and refurbished. I used to wonder where it actually came from, and what its story was.

What genre does your book fall under? It’s cross genre, a paranormal mystery.

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition? Bailey, my protagonist, would be played by Nicole Kidman. Her friend Joe would be played by Ben Affleck. Angus would be played by Gerard Butler. I think Tom would be played by James D’arcy.

What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book? Bailey MacIntyre thinks she’s going crazy when a ghost appears, and wants her help to find his daughter, who disappeared after the Civil War, during the chaotic period of Reconstruction. When Bailey’s cousin is murdered, and his daughter goes missing, she, and her friend, Joe, follow clues that lead down a path of greed, witchcraft, and a century-old curse that has been unleashed.

Okay, it’s two sentences, so sue me.

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency? I’m sending it out to digital publishers, and may pitch it to a couple of agents whose blogs I follow. The whole process of publishing is in a state of flux right now thanks to Amazon. As much as I would love the validation of being traditionally published, my manuscript doesn’t fit neatly into any of the usual genres. That doesn’t bode well for its chances. If it hasn’t found a home by the end of the year, I’ll self-publish on Kindle, Nook, and iBooks.

How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript? The first draft of Killer Tunes took me over two years to write. I was working two or three jobs then, so my time was limited. I was also writing by the seat of my pants, which takes me longer. For me, things move much faster if I have a road map, aka outline.

What other books would you compare this story to within your genre? The closest I can come to that are books by Barbara Michaels. They are mostly mysteries, but all have a paranormal element in them. In Killer Tunes, the normal and paranormal elements are about equal. It’s really two stories that merge into one outcome.

Who or what inspired you to write this book? The history of the beautiful area I live in got me started. The orphaned fiddle, and my love of Celtic music provided the threads to weave the tale.

What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest? There’s some history from a point of view that isn’t in lockstep with what you learn in school. Also, it was fun for me to explore the magical/ghost story side of things. I hope that will be just as enjoyable for readers.

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